Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Bead Wisperer

its amazing how disorganized a person can get......I blogged a while back about trying to get my beading space organized.......hubby had brought a label maker home from work to help me get all my little drawers labeled and organized, well he finally just bought me my own label maker, and I have almost got all the drawers labeled, its taking time because as I label, I am consolidating beads, that have been in other places........I didn't realize just how many beads I have till I started this project......it doesn't mean they are all beads I want to have though........because these are a compilation of over 30 years of beads, so that includes many beady mistakes, the good buys, that were just too good to be true.......the beady gifts from well meaning relatives, ect.....ect...one of my major problems is buying beady grab bags from Fire Mountain Gems.....I should know better my most recent stupid buy was some metal findings with swarovski accents......it was some thing like a quarter pound and there were a couple pieces with crystals, the rest of the bag were the toggle half of about 100 toggle clasps......what do you do with 1/2 of a toggle clasp? I'm thinking a charm bracelet with toggles as the charm? don't know........ A older native gentleman I had the pleasure of sitting next to on a bead buying road trip once told me that the grab bags were just floor sweepings, I guess I should have believed him.......any way, I am now working on all my findings trying to consolidate them........and sort them by type and style ect.....they were spread between about 4 or 5 big cases, because I had been gifted by two different people with their bead stashes and hadn't gotten around to getting it all together till now, I've been up since 4:00 am doing this with a couple breaks.....still not done
but I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel......think I need a bead wisperer......to help the beads get where they belong.....go into the drawers you will be happy there.....


  1. Oh Oh OH! I wanna come help you sort your beads! I love sorting beads! I just don't have the time with teaching summer classes--lol. I don't know if I can be a bead whisperer--but I can definitely help you sort!

  2. Great article thanks. I bought this amazing beading book and I highly recommend it to any bead lover out there. Great beading patterns and a excellent beading resource


  3. When you find a beady whisperer, please send them by my house. I don't even have that much but I can never find anything.
