Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Game

FDEKSZER AND FAIRYDREAMS JEWELLERY  is having a game on her site, you choose a peyote bracelet pattern from her Etsy site and then blog about the game and leave a comment saying which pattern you would like to have and your blog info......and she will send you the pattern, pretty cool, and she has amazing designs.... I chose cappaccino the design in the photo! it was really hard to make up my mind she had so many cool designs


  1. That's really pretty. Since I haven't gotten into bead weaving yet, how long will this take to make?

  2. depends it took me a couple of weeks to do my last one (the dragon) but that was working on it in spurts here and printer isn't working right now so don't know when I will get to start this one

  3. Oh my Lord! Are you going to make this!?! How extraordinary! This is a really generous gesture of Fdekszer!
